Beginner's Mind
Part 2
Negative and Positive

Negative and Positive

Big mind is something to express, not something to figure out. Big mind is something you have, not something to seek for.

So not to say anything, just to practice it, is the best way.

When we talk about something we just talk about something, just the positive or the negative side, without trying too express some intellectual, one-sided idea. And we listen without trying to figure out some intellectual understanding, without trying to understand from just a one-sided view. This is how we talk about our teaching and how we listen to a talk.

when you do everything without thinking about whether it is good or bad, and when you do something with your whole mind and body, then that is our way.

Try not to force your idea on someone, but rather think about it with him.

So whether you have a problem in your life or not depends upon your own attitude, your own understanding.