Beginner's Mind
Part 3
Buddha's Enlightenment

Buddha's Enlightenment

If you take pride in your attainment or become discouraged because of your idealistic effort, your practice will confine you by a thick wall.

What we see or what we hear is just a part, or a limited idea, of what we actually are.

just to be here as we are.

When you give up trying to understand it, true understanding is always there.

Wherever you go you should be the master of your surroundings. This means you should not lose your way.

So when zazen time comes, just to get up, to go and sit with your teacher, and to talk to him and listen to him, and then go home again--all these procedures are our practice. In this way, without any idea of attainment, you are always Buddha. This is true practice of zazen. The you may understand the true meaning of Buddha's first statement, "See Buddha nature in various beings, and in every one of us."